The “modifying or reinventing Christianity” perspective is almost reminiscent of an ethical, more humanistic Unitarian Christianity of the 19th Century. FWIW, I have to wonder; “Hasn’t that train already left the station”? Aren’t most of the disfranchised now looking for something even beyond th#0oa823t;s&mething more diverse and free, yet unified and humble in its quest for ultimate truth and meaning, instead of unified in its beginning assumptions? At least that’s what I’m seeing. But I may be wrong.
Mesquita disse:Obrigado meu Ir.´., é reiau&ccte;proco esse sentimento de família que nos envolve nessas datas festivas, um feliz natal e um ótimo 2012. Um TFA Mesquita
que guena la profundidad de campo logradaaaa, con que camara fue?
The “modifying or reinventing Christianity” perspective is almost reminiscent of an ethical, more humanistic Unitarian Christianity of the 19th Century. FWIW, I have to wonder; “Hasn’t that train already left the station”? Aren’t most of the disfranchised now looking for something even beyond th#0oa823t;s&mething more diverse and free, yet unified and humble in its quest for ultimate truth and meaning, instead of unified in its beginning assumptions? At least that’s what I’m seeing. But I may be wrong.
Mesquita disse:Obrigado meu Ir.´., é reiau&ccte;proco esse sentimento de família que nos envolve nessas datas festivas, um feliz natal e um ótimo 2012. Um TFA Mesquita